Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day Three

3. A picture of your "thinspiration". What features of this person do you like?

because she's thin, but not scrawny, she's healthy. she's intimidating. she's buff. she eats. you can tell because she still has boobs and a butt.

Raisin Bran
w/ Almond Milk

1 c pasta
w/ red sauce

3 slice french toast (oops)
w/ peanut butter
w/ strawberry agave nectar
w/ unsweetened tea
w/ peaches
w/ zucchini in olive oil

Very very good dinner! Too much french toast though. That third piece just called out to me.. I feel like I always eat wayy too much at night. I just get bored and munchy. I did good today though, no snacking. Which is weird.

My diaphragm is still hurting, I'm wondering if its my asthma? The air is pretty smokey around here, so it could be... I might still try to run tonight, but it hurt way bad just walking across campus today :( I hope I didn't break self. Uhg.

I started school today though! My first year of college, let's hope there's no freshman 15 for this girl! I'm gonna try really hard not to just eat all day like in highschool. Noo vending machines for me! I'll try to stay away from poptarts, and only carry my debit card. No dollar bills! Hahah. Having dollar bills at school makes me hungry! Anyways. I think it is going to be a tonn better than highschool. So far its pretty chill. Its kinda boring, but hopefully I'll meet some new people soon once all the craziness of teachers talking at us goes away a little.

Uhg it pisses me off that I can't run! It hurts soo bad in my upper abdomen. It hurts to even walk the rest of the way home. Oh well, at least I got out there. :/ Poo.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day Two

2. How tall are you? Do you like your height?
I am somewhere between 5'9" and 5'10". Either way, yes I like it. Sometimes its hard, because boyfriend is 5'11" so I can't wear heels and stuff with him or it makes us feel awkward.  But he doesn't mind it. He must obviously dig the tall girls, so it's okay ;) Sometimes I think 5'7" or 8" would be ideal, but then I remember that I can reach the top shelf. And then it's worth it.

I'm still feelin pretty good from yesterday's run. I half expect to get sore by the end of the day, but then I'll just know it was worth it! I think I'll run again tonight, because I start school tomorrow and may or may not want to run after that.

Today is my last day of summer! Oh noes! And guess how I'm spending it? Watching tv with my dog, then going to work. And not the least bit ashamed of how lazy and boring my summer was ;)

1 c. cooked oatmeal
w/ 1 banana
w/ 1/2 c. frozen berries
w/ 1/2 c. milk (the blue lid. dunno what %)
w/ 1 tbsp organic agave

1 c pasta salad
1/2 c cucumber
some chicken
(totally estimating my portions :P)

Peanut butter Nature Valley crunchies or whatever they are.

Lorna Doone cookies mmmm

Grilled cheese sammy, grilled with pam instead of butter so it no make me sicky :)

My run today was shitty :/ I only made it .75 miles because my diaphragm area was KILLing me. I'm gonna have to figure that one out.. So I had to stop. Then was really pissed off. Plus then gramma asked how my run was and I just wanted to growl at her. Not at her, really, more like at me. But they always ask how it is and I'm just like. no. stop it.

Anywho. My first semester of college starts tomorrow and I don't know how I feel about that! Gonna try to get to bed pretty soon so I'm not killin in the morning. Uhgie.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Day One

Good, lazy day today. But it's not over yet, I've got a run I'm looking forward to! :)
Did pretty much nothing all day though. Talked with boyfriend a bunch cuz he had the day off.
Had a suuuuper yum BLT for dinner. Mmm

I think I'm gonna do a food diary on here, so that maybe I'll realize that it's public and I will remember that I have to post evvverything I eat.  Maybe it will make me think twice about that 300 calorie mint truffle from work..

I'm also considering this 30 day weight-loss challenge I saw on tumblr, which really is just 30 questions that make you think about yourself.
So this will be the official Day One of that, and of my food diary.

Day One.
1. Your stats:
Highest weight: 163
Lowest weight: 145
Current weight: 155
Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
Raisin Bran w/ coconut milk


Pasta salad

Triscuits w/ cheese

BLT (hell yeah)
 on whole wheat bread
w/ mayo (ahem, oops) and
(way too much) bacon.

After Workout:
Paleo Protein Shake
And somehow, still 438 calories left of my "budget" according to the app I use :)

Dinner gave me a tummy ache, so I'm waiting a while till I run.
Still going, though! AND taking my headphones!

My mile run was a minute and a half faster than yesterday's! 11:06 today, 12:32 yesterday.
Oh God, everything hurts though. That was a good one. Tough.
I love it when I'm motivated.
Hell yeah, Tasha.

Maybe music helped?

Maybe it was all my tumblr time today.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I'm starting a fitness journey ha.

Ahh god. I just feel soo much better after a run. I wish I could just remember that every day that I put it off.
The only thing that hurts is my lungs. I need to go get my inhaler!
Plus I always forget to take music. I take my phone because it tracks my distance and time and all that, I should just remember headphones!!
Today's run I finally found a route that is exactly on mile. Which just makes it easier for me, maybe I'm ocd. I ran it in 12:32, which isn't great, but honestly better than I though I could do :)
The semester starts on Wednesday, and my classes on Tuesday and Thursday start at 8 am so I'm planning on running before class those days. There's also a gym I can use for free with an indoor track so I can run through the winter :) all I need to do now is get my asthma more under control and get motivated
Highest weight: 163
Lowest weight: 145
Current weight: 155
Goal weight: 140
My true goal is not the numbers, its the health. The numbers are just a good bonus :)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Got an Android..

Just thought I'd try my hand at smartphone blogging.

I made this shirt today in honor of my Daniel... I was tired of weirdos checking me out even with my ring and his dogtags so I made a shirt to be even more obvious. If it doesn't work I might just make one that says "TAKEN, YOU MORON." or something...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Summer: Day 4

Well, Maggie woke me up this morning. A couple times. By stealing my pillow space.

So then we went for a car ride! So much fun so much fun, oh boy oh boy!
So then we smiled pretty for a picture! But for once, Magpie wasn't smiling..

Aaaand today was my darling Cassie's last day at work! :( Sadness. Maybe someday she'll send me our silly pictures so I can post them. Hehe. I'll miss her!

Dan called, we haven't talked since Sunday night. He was out on some mission thing and jumping out of airplanes, no biggie... I love my man, I'm so proud of him. Can't believe I get to see him in nine days!! And get to pick him up from the airport this time! Woo! I'm way beyond excited. Heh =)

Anywho, we leave for Montana in two days, and that's super exciting too!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer: Day 3

Today I made shorts! I love cut off jeans, they're always so perfect. Especially painted!

Maggie helped, of course..

Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer: Day 2

See, the problem with this is I don't ever do anything during the summer. Today I hung out in my room with my dog and sat outside for an hour to tan(ish).

But as soon as the week is over I'll have things to do and places to go and and and Daniels to see!! Soo excited. Hopefully the summer picks up soon!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer: Day 1

I've been out of school for three days now, but I'm finally getting the idea that this is it. This is summer break. This is the end of high school. There's no more, so I damn well better enjoy it while I have a break.
I'm gonna try my hand at this blogging thing again. Gonna try a photo-days-of-summer blog. We'll see how it goes... ;)

This is today. Day one, I suppose.
June 3, 2012. I graduated on Thursday (yay!), worked on Friday and Saturday.. So today is gonna be number one!

Kylee and I got our Tragus's pierced today at my favorite, KOI Piercing Studio.

Yes, of course it hurt, silly.
Yes, it's still worth it.
Oh, and I'm back up to 9 piercings after having one anchor removed last week.
Thinking of one more, then I should be done.  Moving on to tattoos next?

5 days until my Montana road trip
12 days until my Daniel is home for a week <3
5 weeks until my cousin's wedding in Colorado, where I'm doing the photos :)

Don't really have any plans for the rest of the week until I go out of town, so maybe this blog thing will work, maybe it won't.
