Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day Three

3. A picture of your "thinspiration". What features of this person do you like?

because she's thin, but not scrawny, she's healthy. she's intimidating. she's buff. she eats. you can tell because she still has boobs and a butt.

Raisin Bran
w/ Almond Milk

1 c pasta
w/ red sauce

3 slice french toast (oops)
w/ peanut butter
w/ strawberry agave nectar
w/ unsweetened tea
w/ peaches
w/ zucchini in olive oil

Very very good dinner! Too much french toast though. That third piece just called out to me.. I feel like I always eat wayy too much at night. I just get bored and munchy. I did good today though, no snacking. Which is weird.

My diaphragm is still hurting, I'm wondering if its my asthma? The air is pretty smokey around here, so it could be... I might still try to run tonight, but it hurt way bad just walking across campus today :( I hope I didn't break self. Uhg.

I started school today though! My first year of college, let's hope there's no freshman 15 for this girl! I'm gonna try really hard not to just eat all day like in highschool. Noo vending machines for me! I'll try to stay away from poptarts, and only carry my debit card. No dollar bills! Hahah. Having dollar bills at school makes me hungry! Anyways. I think it is going to be a tonn better than highschool. So far its pretty chill. Its kinda boring, but hopefully I'll meet some new people soon once all the craziness of teachers talking at us goes away a little.

Uhg it pisses me off that I can't run! It hurts soo bad in my upper abdomen. It hurts to even walk the rest of the way home. Oh well, at least I got out there. :/ Poo.

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