Monday, August 20, 2012

Day One

Good, lazy day today. But it's not over yet, I've got a run I'm looking forward to! :)
Did pretty much nothing all day though. Talked with boyfriend a bunch cuz he had the day off.
Had a suuuuper yum BLT for dinner. Mmm

I think I'm gonna do a food diary on here, so that maybe I'll realize that it's public and I will remember that I have to post evvverything I eat.  Maybe it will make me think twice about that 300 calorie mint truffle from work..

I'm also considering this 30 day weight-loss challenge I saw on tumblr, which really is just 30 questions that make you think about yourself.
So this will be the official Day One of that, and of my food diary.

Day One.
1. Your stats:
Highest weight: 163
Lowest weight: 145
Current weight: 155
Ultimate Goal Weight: 140
Raisin Bran w/ coconut milk


Pasta salad

Triscuits w/ cheese

BLT (hell yeah)
 on whole wheat bread
w/ mayo (ahem, oops) and
(way too much) bacon.

After Workout:
Paleo Protein Shake
And somehow, still 438 calories left of my "budget" according to the app I use :)

Dinner gave me a tummy ache, so I'm waiting a while till I run.
Still going, though! AND taking my headphones!

My mile run was a minute and a half faster than yesterday's! 11:06 today, 12:32 yesterday.
Oh God, everything hurts though. That was a good one. Tough.
I love it when I'm motivated.
Hell yeah, Tasha.

Maybe music helped?

Maybe it was all my tumblr time today.

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